Ethereum: Algorithm of checking whether an element is present in a merkle tree

Ethereum Merkle Tree Implementation: Checking for Presence

Merkle trees have become an essential data structure in the ethereum ecosystem, allowing developers to efficiently verify and retrieve large datasets. The algorithm used to check if a specific element exists within a merkle tree is known as the “algorithm of checking whether an element is present” or simply “is_present (element) method.”

What is a Merkle Tree?

A merkle tree is a binary tree structure that allows for efficient data integrity and authentication. It consists of multiple leaves, each representing a block or transaction in the ethereum blockchain. The root node of the tree contains all the leaf nodes, creating a hierarchical structure.

the is_present (element) algorithm

To check if an element exists within a mercle tree, we need to transtere the tree from the root down to the leaf nodes and verify that each subtree rooted at any given position contains the specified element. The algorithm involves severe steps:

  • Base Case:

    If the current Node’s Value Matches The Target Element, Return True.

  • recursive case: otherwise, recursively call is_present (element) on the left child (if it exists) and the right child (if it exists). If either recursive call returns, return true.

Implementation in Solidity

Here is an example implementation of the is_present (element) Function in Solidity:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Contract Merkletree {

// array to store all leaves (Blocks or transactions) in the tree

mapping (address => uint256 []) public leaves;

// Function to Create a New Leaf Node

Function Createleaf (address _node, uint256 [] memory _data) public {

leaves [_node] .push (_data);


// Function to check if an element exists within the Merkle Tree

Function Spent (Uint256 _element) internal view returns (bool) {

// Base Case: If the current Node’s Value matches the Target Element, Return True.

if (leaves [msg.sender] [0] == _element) {

Return True;


// recursive case: otherwise, recursively call is_present (element) on the left child

// and the right child. If either recursive call returns, return true.

for (uint256 i = 1; i

if (leaves [msg.sender] [i] == _element) {

Return True;


if (the represent (_ element)) {

Return True;



// if no match is found, return false.

Return False;




Explanation and links

* Merkle Tree Data Structure : This article provides a detailed explanation of the Merkle Tree Data Structure and its implementation in Solidity. [Learn More: Ethereum Blockchain Basics] (

* is_present function : this function implements the is_present (element) algorithm, allowing you to check if an element exists within a mercle tree. [Solidity Tutorial: how to implement the spent function] (

* Merkle Tree Example

Ethereum: Algorithm of checking whether an element is present in a merkle tree

: This Example Demonstrates how to create a new leaf node and use the is_present function to check if an element exists within the mercle tree. [Ethereum blockchain tutorial: how to create a merkle tree] (

Additional Resources

* Merkle Tree Implementation : This article provides more in Depth Information on how to implement the is_present function using a different approach.

* [Solidity Tutorial: Understanding and implementing Merkle Trees] (

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